Tuesday, November 4, 2014

John Cena has a team he needs to put together because his team will be facing team authorty because his team I know for a fact is going to win and take out the authorty and they will be no longer in power too.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

John Cena has been on top since he won a right to face Brock Lesner for the WWE Worldheaveyweight
championship, but before he has to do that he has to to face Team Authorty at Servivor Seires and I know
he is going to win. He has to find five people in the locker room to compete with him to do this.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

John Cena and Brock Lesner

John Cena has competed agianst Brock Lesner and he lost I don't think he is going to win at Night of
champions eather I have this feeling is not going to eather I can feel for him too being the 15 time wwe champion too.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

John Cena is not doing so well these days because he is going aginst Bray Watt in a steal cage match at
extreme rules and he will turn bad after a period of time because Hulk hogan told him to and he is forced
too. I don't like this eather I feel he should stay good and not bad because of his fans too.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I saw last night that John Cena got injured by the Watt family and they injured his knee and I am getting updates on how he will recover from this and be back to the wwe soon to Raw and heal up to he was going to the trainer's room and he would not get a MRI scan to his knee and he will come back from this too.